Hypno-systemic coaching can do more
Understanding yourself. Live confidently.
97% of my customers have already achieved this. Join them from today!

Hypno-systemic coaching can do more
Understanding yourself. Live confidently.
97% of my customers have already achieved this. Join them from today!
Naturally, we only recommend what helped ourselves.
You could soon be one of them. One click is all it takes.

If you are still undecided, here are some customer testimonials:
Business Coaching &
Career Coaching
Initial situation/problem - In a fast-moving digital world, the most important thing is and remains the people in the team. With a team operating across Germany and a strong growth target, it is important to make the right decisions and test them in advance in dialogue. Successes/results - Regina Reitinger is a professional and agile sparring partner with whom I can think through and analyze future situations in detail in order to be optimally prepared and be able to act accordingly. Sovereignty is further enhanced in my decision-making. RALF HABERICH CEO
Initial situation/problem -
use the coaching with Regina to develop myself personally and to reduce fears that get in the way of my work and my function as a leader.
Successes/results -
Through the work with Regina Reitinger, I am now able to deal with pressure situations much better and am more relaxed in stressful moments. The best thing about it is that this development not only benefits me in my job, but also in my private life, so that my partner, my friends and my team benefit from it as well. It doesn't get any better than that. Thank you very much for this, Regina!
Business Coaching & Personaliy Intensive
Initial situation / problem - I took advantage of the coaching with Regina because I wanted to develop both personally and professionally. During the coaching I became aware of how closely the areas are intertwined.
Successes/results - Through the work with Regina I was able to achieve great progress in the management of my company. I have become clearer and more focused. I have made the greatest progress in my personal development. Here, above all, I was able to bring my job and my family back into the right balance.
Initial situation / problem - I came to Ms Reitinger 1.5 years ago to talk about my professional situation. It quickly became apparent that I was unhappy with my overall situation. Therefore, we set out on a journey to find myself and my inner self.
Successes/results - Through the work with Regina Reitinger I am getting to know myself better bit by bit. Since then I have been shaping my life more consciously and am happier and more balanced as a result. I am happy to have opened this door. Even though it is hard work, I learn something new every day, which always brings me a bit further.
Initial situation/problem - Taking on new/extended responsibility, dissatisfaction with company processes/results.
Successes/results - More confident in decision-making processes, sovereignty in pressure situations, more efficient processes, conscious communication.
Business Coaching & Personaliy Intensive
Initial situation / problem - excessive demands after the death of the husband and taking on new tasks in his company. The wish was to find my own strength again.
Successes/results - More self-confident, more secure in my leadership position, strengthened relationships, deeper understanding of my personality.
Initial situation / problem - After almost 10 years in a self-founded company, I was faced with some fundamental questions: Where do I stand with my company, and above all where do I stand as an entrepreneur? Am I still in the right place? Does the business still fit my new life situation as a family man? If you only deal with these questions yourself, you quickly go round in circles.
Successes/results - Through the work with Regina Reitinger I learned to look at myself in many situations from the "helicopter perspective" from the outside. Why do I react one way in situations and not another? Which values (subconsciously) determine my life and my decisions, and how do I learn bit by bit to uncover these and make myself aware of them? Through your calm and professional manner, I always had the feeling that we were on the "right" path, which otherwise one would probably not have found because of the (self-made) fog, or only after a few detours.
Career Coaching & Personaliy Intensive
Initial situation / problem - After 17 years of self-employment, I decided to switch back to an employee relationship. With the family in the background, I wanted monthly financial predictability. It was not easy for my head to let go at first. And after 17 years, the demands of the job market have changed considerably.
Successes/results - Regina Reitinger really helped me a lot here. First of all, clearing my head and realizing that switching to a salaried position and thus closing my company at the same time is not "giving up" or "failing", but the right and important step towards inner peace. Self-doubt and fears were tackled and "conquered" here. In the second step, Regina supported me in my own presentation in job interviews and in the preparation of my documents. Thank you!
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