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New Year’s resolutions – 5 guiding principles for a richer life

It’s that time again. A year comes to an end and a new one begins. Time to think about what you want to change now and implement in the new year. If not now, then when?

If you look at the lists of the most common New Year’s resolutions, you realize: it’s an old hat that we put on year after year – at least for a few days/weeks – only to let it disappear back into the box of everyday life when we realize that it’s weighing us down.

See you next year….

Even the numerous tips on how to do it better don’t seem to change that. Magazines are full of them at the turn of the year. What’s the point? Lots of gym subscriptions taken out, countless diet apps downloaded and anti-smoking patches deposited. What’s the point? To make everything disappear into the box of oblivion and repression by February at the latest?

I don’t even want to ask why these resolutions don’t work. We all know the answer. Habit eats up intention.

We think what we always think.

We do what we always do.

We reap the results we always get.

If I am dissatisfied with the result, I have to start thinking.

Start to become aware of yourself. Ask yourself: What am I doing here? Why am I doing this? Stop judging yourself when something doesn’t work out. Stop judging others for what they are or do. This is one of the most difficult tasks, considering how quick we are to judge others for even a small difference.

  • Don’t judge!

Sit down for a moment in the evening and review your day. How often did you have a moment to yourself today? Were you just in the here and now? Were you able to take a few deep breaths in and out and focus on what was in front of you? Take the time now at the latest. Let a few minutes of meditative silence become part of your daily routine.

  • Practice silence!

Ask yourself who you actually “really are”. Who do you want to be? Before making decisions, ask yourself: “How does the person I am today decide and how does the person I want to be decide?” Act the way you want to be and develop into exactly that person. Ask yourself regularly: “What is my greater purpose?”; “What is the intention behind my actions and who else do they serve besides me?”

  • Live the questions “Who am I?” / “What do I want?”

Nurture your relationships. You get what you give. Stay with yourself and trust in yourself, your friends, your partner, in life. Help where you can. Accept help where you need it. Control is poison for trusting relationships. 🙂

  • Cultivate relationships.

Look at where and with whom you live and work. Do you enjoy it? Are you accepted for who you are? Are you fully energized? Does it bring you joy to spend time with the people in your life, no matter in which area, to create something? If not, change it!

  • Ask yourself: “Is it fun?”

Practice this consciously and your thinking will change. It closes the circle to a richer life.

Be aware of yourself!

With this in mind, I wish everyone a happy new year 2018 with the best moments, the most beautiful encounters and the most poignant insights it has to offer.

Über Regina Reitinger

Regina Reitinger ist nach DIN EN ISO zertifizierter Master für hypno-systemisches Coaching. Als geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin der chancenreich reitinger GmbH arbeitet sie mit Kunden sowohl im B2B als auch im B2C Umfeld in der DACH Region und darüber hinaus. Ihr Beratungsschwerpunkt liegt in der systemischen Erarbeitung von nachhaltigen Handlungsansätzen zur erfolgreichen Zielerreichung. Wenn Sie interessiert sind an einem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch, buchen Sie hier Ihren kostenfreien Chancen-Talk mit Regina Reitinger.

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