The pursuit of happiness is probably one of the oldest and deepest driving forces within us. There are thousands of guides on the subject, countless articles every day on all kinds of channels. We look for it in the most diverse places, in the most diverse situations – out there somewhere.
Is it the greatest possible individuality that promises me happiness? Am I happy when I have achieved or accomplished something special? Or does happiness bring me the greatest possible togetherness with others, belonging to people who are important to me?
Some say so – others say so.
I say that true happiness is within each and every one of us. It’s up to me how I see myself and the world. Happiness lies in this view.
This is a text that may initially raise more questions than answers.
But without questions, there is no need to find answers. 😉
Let’s start with a situation that pretty much everyone is familiar with.
We have met someone. We are in 7th heaven. Everything is wonderful.
But after a few months, sentences like:
“The other person is different. He/she doesn’t understand me. – If only he/she were a bit more like me, then he/she could understand me better and we could just be happy.”
Do you know what I mean? At first, the happiness of finally having found someone who suits you prevailed. Who “makes you happy”. Everything is great. After this rush of happiness, the first signs of disillusionment set in. >> Is the other person perhaps not so suitable after all? He/she doesn’t make me as happy as he/she did at the beginning?
You’ve been working hard for the last few years to create/achieve something. You’ve climbed the career ladder to build a solid foundation – but above all to prove to others – preferably your parents – that you’re good (after all). Now a functioning partnership! Then you’re all set. Nothing stands in the way of complete happiness. Right?
According to the german dictionary, happiness means something like:
- something that is the result of the concurrence of particularly favorable circumstances; particularly favorable coincidence, favorable twist of fate
- luck personified; Fortuna
- pleasant and joyful state of mind in which one finds oneself when one comes into possession or enjoyment of something one has wished for; state of inner satisfaction and elation
- single happy situation; happy event, experience
I have to admit, at first glance it is not easy to recognize which forces of attraction and compensation are at work here. We all carry patterns within us that act like magnets. – Depending on how the puzzle piece of abundance and lack is shaped. Lack drives us. The pursuit of happiness. Somewhere out there.
If we understand that inner lack cannot be permanently filled by outer abundance, we are already a big step further. If we also understand that the other person serves as a mirror image for us to recognize our own patterns, we are already pretty close to understanding that it is not the mirror image that shows the grimace, but the person looking in the mirror.
What does the other person’s behavior have to do with me? And if there is a problem, who does it belong to?
The more I identify with things and people and become attached to them as a result, the more problems I get into. I get caught up in the spiral of desire, grasping and controlling. The consequence of this is the dilemma between expectation and disappointment. Blind to my own part in this, I blame others and the world.
What makes the difference?
It is the ability to see the world and others in connection with oneself.
The awareness with which I view life corresponds to my reality. The more I am aware that my reality does not necessarily have to correspond to the truth, the closer I get to it. The more I understand and allow that my view of things is only ONE view of many and that I don’t make it a problem for myself if others see things differently, the freer I become.
I can listen to someone without prejudice – even if they disagree with me.
I no longer have to see someone’s decision as a personal insult just because I would have decided differently.
I also no longer have to feel guilty just because I act against the expectations of others.
I no longer have to do many things – instead, I can always recognize myself in the actions of others.
Everyone sees the world in their own way and the less we are identified with things/people on the outside, the freer and happier we become on the inside.
Here are five suggestions for (re)thinking. At the risk of the mind reporting RESISTANCE! 🙂
Let’s start with the future. If I want to bring something new into my life, I won’t find it in the past. Rather, it helps to look at the world from the future and shape it from there.
1.Where I can bring my spirit/my mind, what I allow myself to imagine, I can also realize in so-called reality.
Miracles are not in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to our knowledge of nature.
– St. Augustine –
After this exercise, we directly challenge the mind further by sending it into reflection. We let it look at life as something that I created, rather than something that happened to ME. No matter how I turn or twist it. My life is created by me. Everything is the result of my doing or not doing.
2. What I see on the outside as my life is a reflection of my inner state.
We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. / We are spiritual beings emersed in a human experience.
– Wayne W. Dyer –
It becomes even more difficult for the mind, as it has to deal with habits of thought, preconceptions and conditioning. These are also what send us into comparison with others and into prejudices etc.
3. Bringing new knowledge into my life is like standing in front of a blank canvas and allowing myself to see what happens. – Instead of painting pictures from the past over and over again.
If you allow yourself to trust your inner source of deep (implicit) knowledge, you are a creative, powerful designer of your life.
I know, now it’s getting really critical for the suspicious mind. Are you still with me? Good! The thinking habits described above follow a pattern that was formed at some point – usually in childhood. Imprinting.
4. Imprinting gives rise to interpretations from which we (unconsciously) act. This is when our thoughts become visible and shape our lives.
Anyone who thinks they are free to think and make decisions is making a deceptive mistake – because the calculation was made without imprinting and experience.
Anything left to do? Good – let’s start the final spurt! A brief excursion into quantum physics.
“Everything that is, is energy”. What does this have to do with our thoughts and actions?
Here is an attempt to explain a very complex area in simple terms, based on Albert Einstein’s theory:
5. Our universe consists of pure energy that is converted into matter and vice versa. The reality we experience therefore consists of countless different, individual forms of energy. Example: steam (thought energy) >> water (pre-matter) >> ice (matter).
So take care of your thoughts! 🙂
SOHAM “I am THAT” – “I am who I am”
– Sanskrit / INDIA –
According to this, we find happiness in living the question “Who am I?” in seeking and finding our own source of deep awareness and knowledge and, last but not least, in acting for the sake of acting. A very special kind of happiness.
I am delighted if you have read this text to the end and have allowed the question marks that it may have triggered in you. – I am of course particularly happy to receive messages or personal questions! 🙂