As we do every December, we look back on the past months of the year and look forward to the year ahead with certain expectations.
Budget plans are made. Target is compared with actual. The bonus is calculated. Did I make a profit? Was I good enough? Employee appraisals are intended to evaluate employee performance. In the midst of optimization pressure.
Deadlines and sales targets collide with Christmas present shopping, vacation planning and family celebrations. Who has to be where and when? Preferably perfect.
Between all the appointments and demands, a quick Whatsapp here, a Like there and off we go. The day is too short. The day is always too short. The mind has long since taken on a life of its own. Even at night, it’s still trying to work through things that haven’t been done. The familiar sinking feeling in the stomach is already part of the normal state of affairs and we have given up trying to pinpoint the cause.
As a coach, I accompany people. I work systemically, i.e. holistically. None of us is an island. We are connected to others. Just as the individual areas of life are interconnected. The link is the person.
Anyone who comes to me wants to change something and it usually has something to do with the scenario described above. Often the problem cannot be described exactly. It is “somehow everything”.
In reality, it is the BELIEFS (assumptions) about oneself and the THINKING about how one should be in a WORLD that one has created for oneself.
Beliefs about ourselves result in attitudes and this makes us act in a certain way.
No matter what you call it: ‘rational decision’ or ‘there was no other way’, or ‘that’s just the way I am’. Life out there is a reflection of our inner self. When you look in the mirror in the morning and see that your tie is crooked, you don’t go to the mirror and try to straighten it in your reflection. You simply grab your collar and straighten it.
Where is your tie crooked in your life?
Where are you fiddling with circumstances or people to no avail, thereby reinforcing the view that life is a struggle? Which ‘have tos’ or ‘mustn’ts’ from childhood have a firm grip on you?
It’s not about psychologising your childhood. It’s simply about having a clear view of yourself and what you want to achieve in life. Using reflective exchange to get to the source and recognise the connections.
And then? Then you need a few tricks and techniques to be able to use the NEW in your life in a profitable and sustainable way to achieve the desired results.
Applying technology without real transformation (= larger version) will only bring small, quick results. However, if you are striving for a holistic change in your inner beliefs, systemic business/life coaching is the right place for you and will help you realise the big goals and changes in your life.
Growth through change is my motto in life. Which is yours? 🙂